Arend Heerschap, Ph.D
Affiliations: | Radiology | Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen |
Magnetic Resonance ImagingWebsite:
"Arend Heerschap"Bio:
Mean distance: 9.22 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorCornelis W. Hilbers | grad student | 1985 | Radboud University Nijmegen | |
(The solution structure of yeast tRNA Phe as viewed by NMR) |
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Lassche S, Küsters B, Heerschap A, et al. (2020) Correlation Between Quantitative MRI and Muscle Histopathology in Muscle Biopsies from Healthy Controls and Patients with IBM, FSHD and OPMD. Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases. 7: 495-504 |
Kreis R, Boer V, Choi IY, et al. (2020) Terminology and concepts for the characterization of in vivo MR spectroscopy methods and MR spectra: Background and experts' consensus recommendations. Nmr in Biomedicine. e4347 |
Koshkina O, Lajoinie G, Bombelli FB, et al. (2019) Multicore Liquid Perfluorocarbon-Loaded Multimodal Nanoparticles for Stable Ultrasound and F MRI Applied to In Vivo Cell Tracking. Advanced Functional Materials. 29 |
Chardon JW, Díaz-Manera J, Tasca G, et al. (2019) MYO-MRI diagnostic protocols in genetic myopathies. Neuromuscular Disorders : Nmd |
Peeters TH, van Uden MJ, Rijpma A, et al. (2019) 3D P MR spectroscopic imaging of the human brain at 3 T with a P receive array: An assessment of H decoupling, T relaxation times, H- P nuclear Overhauser effects and NAD. Nmr in Biomedicine. e4169 |
Heskamp L, van Nimwegen M, Ploegmakers MJ, et al. (2019) Lower extremity muscle pathology in myotonic dystrophy type 1 assessed by quantitative MRI. Neurology |
Wilson M, Andronesi O, Barker PB, et al. (2019) Methodological consensus on clinical proton MRS of the brain: Review and recommendations. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine |
Peeters TH, Kobus T, Breukels V, et al. (2019) Imaging Hyperpolarized Pyruvate and Lactate after Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption with Focused Ultrasound. Acs Chemical Neuroscience |
Strijkers GJ, Araujo ECA, Azzabou N, et al. (2019) Exploration of New Contrasts, Targets, and MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Techniques for Neuromuscular Disease - A Workshop Report of Working Group 3 of the Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences COST Action BM1304 MYO-MRI. Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases. 6: 1-30 |
Tayari N, Obels J, Kobus T, et al. (2018) Simple and broadly applicable automatic quality control for 3D H MR spectroscopic imaging data of the prostate. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine |