Pierre Claverie, Ph.D.

Chemistry Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
Theoretical Chemistry
"Pierre Claverie"
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Bernard Pullman grad student 1973 Université Pierre et Marie Curie
 (Contribution à l'étude des interactions moléculaires)
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Hess O, Caffarel M, Huiszoon C, et al. (1990) Second-order exchange effects in intermolecular Interactions. The water dimer The Journal of Chemical Physics. 92: 6049-6060
Caffarel M, Claverie P, Mijoule C, et al. (1989) Quantum Monte Carlo method for some model and realistic coupled anharmonic oscillators The Journal of Chemical Physics. 90: 990-1002
Castella M, Millie P, Piuzzi F, et al. (1989) Molecular complexes with interacting van der Waals and ionic excited states. 1. Calculations of potential energy surfaces Journal of Physical Chemistry®. 93: 3941-3948
Castella M, Millié P, Piuzzi F, et al. (1989) Molecular complexes with interacting van der Waals and ionic excited states. 2. Electronic spectra of jet-cooled complexes Journal of Physical Chemistry®. 93: 3949-3957
Caffarel M, Claverie P. (1988) Development of a pure diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method using a full generalized Feynman-Kac formula. II. Applications to simple systems The Journal of Chemical Physics. 88: 1100-1109
Caffarel M, Claverie P. (1988) Development of a pure diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method using a full generalized Feynman-Kac formula. I. Formalism The Journal of Chemical Physics. 88: 1088-1099
Langlet J, Claverie P, Caillet J, et al. (1988) Improvements of the continuum model. 1. Application to the calculation of the vaporization thermodynamic quantities of nonassociated liquids Journal of Physical Chemistry. 92: 1617-1631
Caffarel M, Claverie P. (1986) Treatment of the Schrödinger equation through a Monte Carlo method based upon the generalized Feynman-Kac formula Journal of Statistical Physics. 43: 797-801
Pullman A, Claverie P, Cluzan MC. (1985) On the binding of water to the ammonium ion: The interplay of an improved basis set. Dispersion and zero-point energy Chemical Physics Letters. 117: 419-423
Gresh N, Pullman A, Claverie P. (1985) Theoretical studies of molecular conformation. II: Application of the SIBFA procedure to molecules containing carbonyl and carboxylate oxygens and amide nitrogens Theoretica Chimica Acta. 67: 11-32
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