Nelson H. De Leon, Ph.D.

Chemistry Indiana University NW 
theoretical chemistry
"Nelson Hugo De Leon" OR "Nelson H. De Leon"
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Bruce J. Berne grad student 1981 Columbia
 (Unimolecular Isomerization Dynamics and Instabilities: RRKM Theory)
Eric J. Heller post-doc LANL


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Rob Manning research assistant Yale
Michael H. New research assistant Yale
Daniel W.J. Kwong grad student 1985-1989 Yale
Steven Neshyba grad student 1985-1989 Yale
Manish A. Mehta grad student 1986-1990 Yale
Robert Q. Topper grad student 1986-1990 Yale
Song Ling post-doc Indiana University NW
C. Clay Marston post-doc 1987-1989 Yale
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De Leon N, Mehta MA, Topper RQ. (1991) Cylindrical manifolds in phase space as mediators of chemical reaction dynamics and kinetics. I. Theory The Journal of Chemical Physics. 94: 8310-8328
de Almeida AMO, de Leon N, Mehta MA, et al. (1990) Geometry and dynamics of stable and unstable cylinders in Hamiltonian systems Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 46: 265-285
Neshyba SP, De Leon N. (1989) Projection operator formalism for the characterization of molecular eigenstates: Application to a 3:4 resonant system The Journal of Chemical Physics. 91: 7772-7779
Mehta MA, De Leon N. (1988) Semiclassical quantization by circuit counting: Application to SO 2 The Journal of Chemical Physics. 89: 882-888
De Leon N, Mehta MA. (1988) Semiclassical spectral quantization: Molecular energies and eigenfunctions Computer Physics Reports. 8: 293-318
Mehta MA, De Leon N. (1988) LUCY: A FORTRAN implementation of semiclassical spectral quantization Computer Physics Communications. 51: 115-134
Kwong DWJ, De Leon N, Haller GL. (1988) Desorption of carbon dioxide molecules from a Pt(111) surface: A stochastic classical trajectory approach Chemical Physics Letters. 144: 533-540
De Leon N, Neshyba SP. (1988) Total projection probabilities on non-orthogonal states: Calculation of electronic populations in molecules Chemical Physics Letters. 151: 296-300
Neshyba SP, De Leon N. (1987) Classical resonances, Fermi resonances, and canonical transformations for three nonlinearly coupled oscillators The Journal of Chemical Physics. 86: 6295-6308
De Leon N, Heller EJ. (1984) Vector fields, line integrals, and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation: Semiclassical quantization of bound states Physical Review A. 30: 5-18
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