Satyabrata Si
Affiliations: | 2014- | KIIT University, Bhubaneswar |
Nanochemistry, Polymer ChemistryWebsite:
"Satyabrata Si"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorTarun Kumar Mandal | grad student | 2007 | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
Sign in to add traineeJagdeep Mohanta | grad student | KIIT University, Bhubaneswar | |
Smithsagar Satapathy | grad student | KIIT University, Bhubaneswar |
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Rizwan H, Mohanta J, Si S, et al. (2017) Gold nanoparticles reduce high glucose-induced oxidative-nitrosative stress regulated inflammation and apoptosis via tuberin-mTOR/NF-κB pathways in macrophages. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 12: 5841-5862 |
Mohanta J, Anwar S, Si S. (2016) Effects of Silica Nanostructures in Poly(ethylene oxide)-Based Composite Polymer Electrolytes. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 16: 6164-72 |
Mohanta J, Satapathy S, Si S. (2016) Porous Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods: A Highly Active Catalyst for the Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol. Chemphyschem : a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. 17: 364-8 |
Mohanta J, Singh UP, Panda SK, et al. (2016) Enhancement of Li + ion conductivity in solid polymer electrolytes using surface tailored porous silica nanofillers Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 7: 035011 |
Leduc C, Si S, Gautier JJ, et al. (2015) Single-molecule imaging in live cell using gold nanoparticles. Methods in Cell Biology. 125: 13-27 |
Burgin J, Si S, Delville MH, et al. (2014) Enhancing optofluidic actuation of micro-objects by tagging with plasmonic nanoparticles. Optics Express. 22: 10139-50 |
Burgin J, Si S, Delville M, et al. (2014) Promoting optofluidic actuation of microparticles with plasmonic nanoparticles Proceedings of Spie. 9164 |
Leduc C, Si S, Gautier J, et al. (2014) A Highly Specific Gold Nanoprobe for Live-Cell Single-Molecule Imaging in Confined Environments: Intracellular Tracking and Long-Term Single Integrin Tracking in Adhesion Sites Biophysical Journal. 106 |
Leduc C, Si S, Gautier J, et al. (2013) A highly specific gold nanoprobe for live-cell single-molecule imaging. Nano Letters. 13: 1489-94 |
Si S. (2013) Additives for Solid Polymer Electrolytes: The Layered Nanoparticles Key Engineering Materials. 571: 27-56 |