Manoj Raula
Affiliations: | 2012 | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
"Manoj Raula"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorTarun Kumar Mandal | grad student | 2012 | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
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Chakraborty B, Gan-Or G, Raula M, et al. (2018) Design of an inherently-stable water oxidation catalyst. Nature Communications. 9: 4896 |
Saganovich M, Gadot E, Raula M, et al. (2018) Proton-coupled electron transfer from photo-excited CdS nanoparticles Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 71: 2012-2024 |
Wang Y, Raula M, Wang Y, et al. (2017) Polyoxometalate-Engineered Building Blocks with Gold Cores for the Self-Assembly of Responsive Water-Soluble Nanostructures. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English) |
Wang Y, Zeiri O, Raula M, et al. (2016) Host-guest chemistry with water-soluble gold nanoparticle supraspheres. Nature Nanotechnology |
Raula M, Gan Or G, Saganovich M, et al. (2015) Polyoxometalate Complexes of Anatase-Titanium Dioxide Cores in Water. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English) |
Raula M, Biswas M, Mandal TK. (2014) Ionic liquid-based solvent-induced shape-tunable small-sized ZnO nanostructures with interesting optical properties and photocatalytic activities Rsc Advances. 4: 5055-5064 |
Rashid MH, Raula M, Mandal TK. (2014) Synthesis of magnetic nanostructures: Shape tuning by the addition of a polymer at low temperature Materials Chemistry and Physics. 145: 491-498 |
Raula M, Rashid MH, Lai S, et al. (2012) Solvent-adoptable polymer Ni/NiCo alloy nanochains: highly active and versatile catalysts for various organic reactions in both aqueous and nonaqueous media. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. 4: 878-89 |
Raula M, Maity D, Rashid MH, et al. (2012) In situ formation of chiral core-shell nanostructures with raspberry-like gold cores and dense organic shells using catechin and their catalytic application Journal of Materials Chemistry. 22: 18335-18344 |
Rashid MH, Raula M, Mandal TK. (2011) Polymer assisted synthesis of chain-like cobalt-nickel alloy nanostructures: Magnetically recoverable and reusable catalysts with high activities Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21: 4904 |