Robert H. Crabtree, Ph.D.

Chemistry Yale University, New Haven, CT 
organometallics, inorganic
"Robert Crabtree"

Mean distance: 7.82


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Malcolm L.H. Green research assistant 1966-1970 Oxford
Joseph Chatt grad student 1970-1973 University of Sussex
Hugh Felkin post-doc 1973-1975 CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette


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Dominic V. McGrath research assistant 1983-1986 Yale
Brian Matthew Zeglis research assistant 2001-2004 Yale
Cesar Arturo Muedas grad student 1986-1991 Yale
Konstantinos Kavallieratos grad student 1998 Yale
Junyi Chen grad student 2001 Yale
John S. Vrettos grad student 2001 Yale
Karin Gruet grad student 2002 Yale
Jennifer A. Loch grad student 2002 Yale
Hongyu Chen grad student 2004 Yale
Anes Kovacevic grad student 2004 Yale
John R. Miecznikowski grad student 2004 Yale
Xingwei Li grad student 2005 Yale
Anthony R. Chianese grad student 2000-2005 Yale
Ranitendranath Tagore grad student 2006 Yale
Leah N. Appelhans grad student 2007 Yale
Clyde W. Cady grad student 2008 Yale
Siddhartha Das grad student 2002-2008 Yale
Dinakar Gnanamgari grad student 2009 Yale
Jonathan F. Hull grad student 2009 Yale
Chin H. Leung grad student 2009 Yale
Adelina Voutchkova-Kostal grad student 2009 Yale
William R. McNamara grad student 2010 Yale
Graham E. Dobereiner grad student 2011 Yale
Laura J. Allen grad student 2012 Yale
Timothy P. Brewster grad student 2012 Yale
Nathan David Schley grad student 2012 Yale
Meng Zhou grad student 2008-2012 Yale
Lauren A. Martini grad student 2013 Yale
Oana R. Luca grad student 2008-2013 Yale
Jonathan Graeupner grad student 2014 Yale
Martin Albrecht post-doc Yale
Daniel F. Chodosh post-doc 1979 Yale
Audrey Helen Moores post-doc 2006-2007 Yale
Gary F. Moore post-doc 2009-2011 Yale
Ulrich Hintermair post-doc 2011-2013 Yale
Aaron J. Bloomfield post-doc 2014-2017 Yale
R. Edward Rajaseelan research scientist 2005 Yale


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Benjamin Rudshteyn collaborator 2014-2018 Yale
BETA: Related publications


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Liu HY, Lant HMC, Decavoli C, et al. (2025) pH-Dependent Electrocatalytic Aqueous Ammonia Oxidation to Nitrite and Nitrate by a Copper(II) Complex with an Oxidation-Resistant Ligand. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Weber JE, McMillion ND, Hegg AS, et al. (2024) Isocyanide Ligation Enables Electrochemical Ammonia Formation in a Synthetic Cycle for N Fixation. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Jelušić J, Menzel JP, Bertrand QC, et al. (2024) Modeling Electrochemical Vacancy Regeneration in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 15: 7788-7792
Jayworth JA, Decavoli C, Capobianco MD, et al. (2024) BODIPY Chemisorbed on SnO and TiO Surfaces for Photoelectrochemical Applications. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. 16: 14841-14851
Mi R, Ding Z, Yu S, et al. (2023) -Allylhydroxyamine: A Bifunctional Olefin for Construction of Axially and Centrally Chiral Amino Alcohols via Asymmetric Carboamidation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145: 8150-8162
Wang P, Wu H, Zhang XP, et al. (2023) Sigma-Bond Metathesis as an Unusual Asymmetric Induction Step in Rhodium-Catalyzed Enantiodivergent Synthesis of C-N Axially Chiral Biaryls. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Jayworth JA, Capobianco MD, Liu HY, et al. (2022) BODIPY and dipyrrin as unexpected robust anchoring groups on TiO nanoparticles. Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003). 51: 14260-14266
Liu HY, Lant HMC, Troiano JL, et al. (2022) Electrocatalytic, Homogeneous Ammonia Oxidation in Water to Nitrate and Nitrite with a Copper Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Troiano JL, Crabtree RH, Brudvig GW. (2022) Optimization of Surface Loading of the Silatrane Anchoring Group on TiO. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. 14: 6582-6589
Cody CC, Kelly HR, Mercado BQ, et al. (2021) Distorted Copper(II) Complex with Unusually Short CF···Cu Distances. Inorganic Chemistry
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