Katherine C. Hyland, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, United States |
Environmental Engineering, Environmental SciencesGoogle:
"Katherine Hyland"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorChristopher P. Higgins | grad student | 2014 | Colorado School of Mines | |
(Sorption and bioaccumulation of neutral and ionizable wastewater-derived contaminants of emerging concern: Exposure of edible crops via solid and liquid effluent streams.) |
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LeFevre GH, Lipsky A, Hyland KC, et al. (2017) Benzotriazole (BT) and BT plant metabolites in crops irrigated with recycled water Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 3: 213-223 |
Hyland KC, Blaine AC, Higgins CP. (2015) Accumulation of contaminants of emerging concern in food crops-part 2: Plant distribution. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Setac. 34: 2222-30 |
Hyland KC, Blaine AC, Dickenson ER, et al. (2015) Accumulation of contaminants of emerging concern in food crops-part 1: Edible strawberries and lettuce grown in reclaimed water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Setac. 34: 2213-21 |
Blaine AC, Rich CD, Sedlacko EM, et al. (2014) Perfluoroalkyl acid uptake in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) irrigated with reclaimed water. Environmental Science & Technology. 48: 14361-8 |
Hyland KC, Dickenson ER, Drewes JE, et al. (2012) Sorption of ionized and neutral emerging trace organic compounds onto activated sludge from different wastewater treatment configurations. Water Research. 46: 1958-68 |