Joel Janin
Affiliations: | Biophysics | Université Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, Essonne, France |
"Joel Janin"Mean distance: 8.52 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorCyrus Levinthal | research assistant | 1964-1965 | MIT |
Georges N. Cohen | grad student | 1969 | University of Paris |
David M. Blow | post-doc | 1973-1974 | MRC-LMB |
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Chakravarty D, Janin J, Robert CH, et al. (2015) Changes in protein structure at the interface accompanying complex formation. Iucrj. 2: 643-652 |
Janin J. (2014) A minimal model of protein-protein binding affinities. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 23: 1813-7 |
Janin J. (2014) Structural aspects of protein synthesis Crystallography Reviews. 20: 60-61 |
Kundrotas P, Vakser I, Janin J. (2014) Structural Similarity in Modeling of Homodimers Biophysical Journal. 106: 656a |
Janin J, Bonvin AM. (2013) Protein-protein interactions. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 23: 859-61 |
Kundrotas PJ, Vakser IA, Janin J. (2013) Structural templates for modeling homodimers. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 22: 1655-63 |
Chakravarty D, Guharoy M, Robert CH, et al. (2013) Reassessing buried surface areas in protein-protein complexes. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 22: 1453-7 |
Janin J. (2013) The targets of CAPRI rounds 20-27. Proteins. 81: 2075-81 |
Janin J, Sternberg MJ. (2013) Protein flexibility, not disorder, is intrinsic to molecular recognition. F1000 Biology Reports. 5: 2 |
Kundrotas PJ, Zhu Z, Janin J, et al. (2012) Templates are available to model nearly all complexes of structurally characterized proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: 9438-41 |