Knut R. Asmis
Affiliations: | Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany |
Clusters, SpectroscopyGoogle:
"Knut Asmis"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMichael Allan | grad student | 1992 | Université de Fribourg |
Daniel M. Neumark | post-doc | 1996-1999 | UC Berkeley |
Gerard J. M. Meijer | research scientist | 2003-2013 | Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
Ludger Wöste | research scientist | 2003-2013 | FU Berlin (Physics Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeTim K. Esser | grad student | 2015-2019 | |
Sreekanta Debnath | grad student | 2015-2020 | Universität Leipzig |
Arghya Chakraborty | post-doc | Universität Leipzig / Fritz Haber Institute | |
John T. Kelly | post-doc | 2016- | Universität Leipzig |
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Grellmann M, DeWitt M, Neumark DM, et al. (2024) Vibrational wave-packet dynamics of the silver pentamer probed by femtosecond NeNePo spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 26: 6600-6607 |
Lau JA, DeWitt M, Boyer MA, et al. (2023) High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Vibrationally Excited Vinoxide Anions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A |
Jin J, Wulf T, Jorewitz M, et al. (2023) Vibrational spectroscopy of Cu(H): about anharmonicity and fluxionality. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 25: 5262-5270 |
Chakraborty A, Brumme T, Schmahl S, et al. (2022) Impact of anion polarizability on ion pairing in microhydrated salt clusters. Chemical Science. 13: 13187-13200 |
Debnath S, Jorewitz M, Asmis KR, et al. (2022) Infrared photodissociation spectroscopy of (AlO)FeO: influence of Fe-substitution on small alumina clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 24: 20913-20920 |
Müller F, Sauer J, Song X, et al. (2021) The Chemical Nature of TiO: Vibrational Predissociation Spectroscopy Combined with Global Structure Optimization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 125: 9571-9577 |
Li YK, Babin MC, Debnath S, et al. (2021) Structural Characterization of Nickel-Doped Aluminum Oxide Cations by Cryogenic Ion Trap Vibrational Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A |
Chakraborty A, Schmahl S, Asmis KR. (2021) Isomer-Specific Vibrational Spectroscopy of Microhydrated Lithium Dichloride Anions: Spectral Fingerprint of Solvent-Shared Ion Pairs. Chemphyschem : a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry |
Knorke H, Li H, Warneke J, et al. (2020) Cryogenic ion trap vibrational spectroscopy of the microhydrated sulfate dianions SO(HO). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp |
Müller F, Stückrath JB, Bischoff FA, et al. (2020) Valence and Structure Isomerism of AlFeO: Synergy of Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society |