Manfred Schlosser
Affiliations: | 1971-2013 | University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland |
"Manfred Schlosser"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorGeorg Friedrich Karl Wittig | grad student | 1957-1960 | Universität Heidelberg | |
(Carbonyl-Olefinierungen mit Phosphin-alkylenen.) |
Sign in to add traineeEric Masson | grad student | 2005 | EPFL |
Frédéric Leroux | post-doc | 1998 | University of Lausanne |
Qian Wang | post-doc | 1997-1999 | Université de Lausanne |
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Mongin F, Curty C, Marzi E, et al. (2015) Substituent effects on the relative rates and free energies of ortho-lithiation reactions: families of fluorobenzenes as the substrates Arkivoc. 2015: 48-65 |
Ruzziconi R, Spizzichino S, Mazzanti A, et al. (2010) The biphenyl-monitored effective size of unsaturated functional or fluorinated ortho substituents. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 8: 4463-71 |
Schlosser M, Ruzziconi R. (2010) Nucleophilic Substitutions of Nitroarenes and Pyridines: New Insight and New Applications Synthesis. 2010: 2111-2123 |
Ruzziconi R, Schlosser M, Spizzichino S, et al. (2010) Metalation of 2-Heterosubstituted Naphthalenes at the 1- or 3- Position: Factors That May Determine the Regiochemistry Synthesis. 2010: 1531-1535 |
Gorecka-Kobylinska J, Schlosser M. (2009) Relative basicities of ortho-, meta-, and para-substituted aryllithiums. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 74: 222-9 |
Schlosser M. (2007) Position-Flexible Elaboration of Halogenated Heterocycles: Metalated Species as Key Intermediates for Synthesis Synlett. 2007: 3096-3102 |
Schlosser M, Bailly F. (2006) Embedding an allylmetal dimer in a chiral cavity: the unprecedented stereoselectivity of a twofold wittig [1,2]-rearrangement. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128: 16042-3 |
Schlosser M, Heiss C, Marzi E, et al. (2006) Proton Mobility in 2-Substituted 1,3-Dichlorobenzenes: “ortho” or “meta” Metalation? European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2006: 4398-4404 |
Strunk S, Schlosser M. (2006) Wittig Rearrangement of Lithiated Allyl Aryl Ethers: A Mechanistic Study European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2006: 4393-4397 |
Leroux F, Lefebvre O, Schlosser M. (2006) The “Off-Shore” Construction of Optionally Substituted 4-Trifluoromethyl-2-quinolinones European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2006: 3147-3151 |