Michael R. Asam

1994-1998 Chemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
"Michael Asam"
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Asam MR, Glish GL. (2002) Collision-induced signal enhancement (CISE): the use of boundary activation to effect non-resonant CISE. Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry. 13: 650-8
Asam MR, Glish GL. (1999) Determination of the dissociation kinetics of a transient intermediate. Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry. 10: 119-25
Asam MR, Ray KL, Glish GL. (1998) Collision-induced signal enhancement: a method to increase product ion intensities in MS/MS and MSn experiments. Analytical Chemistry. 70: 1831-7
Asam MR, Glish GL. (1997) Tandem mass spectrometry of alkali cationized polysaccharides in a quadrupole ion trap Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry. 8: 987-995
Lin T, Asam MR, Glish GL. (1996) Reaction from isomeric parent ions in the dissociation of dimethylpyrroles. Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry. 7: 930-7
Vachet RW, Asam MR, Glish GL. (1996) Secondary interactions affecting the dissociation patterns of arginine-containing peptide ions Journal of the American Chemical Society. 118: 6252-6256
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