John D. Lennon

1998 Chemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
"John Lennon"
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Lennon JD, Cole SP, Glish GL. (2006) Ion/molecule reactions to chemically deconvolute the electrospray ionization mass spectra of synthetic polymers. Analytical Chemistry. 78: 8472-6
Korn MR, Lennon JD, Glish GL, et al. (1999) α,ω-heterotelechelic poly(ε-caprolactone)s via ring-opening/chain-transfer polymerization and their utility as precursors to AB and ABC block copolymers Macromolecules. 32: 5149-5153
Lennon JD, Glish GL. (1997) A MALDI probe for mass spectrometers. Analytical Chemistry. 69: 2525-9
Lennon JD, Shinn D, Vachet RW, et al. (1996) Strategy for pulsed ionization methods on a sector mass spectrometer. Analytical Chemistry. 68: 845-9
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