Paul M. Magwene

Duke University, Durham, NC 
evolutionary genomics, quantitative genetics, computational biology, systems biology
"Paul Magwene"


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Barry Chernoff grad student (Anatomy Tree)
Michael LaBarbera grad student
Junhyong Kim post-doc


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Selcan Aydin grad student (Chemistry Tree)
Ömür Kayikci grad student Duke
Colin Maxwell grad student Duke
Cullen Roth grad student Duke
David M. McCandlish grad student 2012 Duke
Joshua A. Granek post-doc Duke (Computer Science Tree)
Helen A. Murphy post-doc William and Mary (FlyTree)
Jennifer M. Reininga post-doc Duke
Daniel A. Skelly post-doc Duke
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Sauters TJC, Roth C, Murray D, et al. (2023) Amoeba predation of Cryptococcus: A quantitative and population genomic evaluation of the accidental pathogen hypothesis. Plos Pathogens. 19: e1011763
Vijayraghavan S, Kozmin SG, Strope PK, et al. (2023) RNA viruses, M satellites, chromosomal killer genes, and killer/non-killer phenotypes in the 100-genomes S. cerevisiae strains. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Gusa A, Yadav V, Roth C, et al. (2023) Genome-wide analysis of heat stress-stimulated transposon mobility in the human fungal pathogen . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2209831120
Priest SJ, Yadav V, Roth C, et al. (2022) Uncontrolled transposition following RNAi loss causes hypermutation and antifungal drug resistance in clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans. Nature Microbiology. 7: 1239-1251
Sun S, Roth C, Floyd Averette A, et al. (2022) Epistatic genetic interactions govern morphogenesis during sexual reproduction and infection in a global human fungal pathogen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119
Roth C, Murray D, Scott A, et al. (2021) Pleiotropy and epistasis within and between signaling pathways defines the genetic architecture of fungal virulence. Plos Genetics. 17: e1009313
Vijayraghavan S, Kozmin SG, Strope PK, et al. (2018) Mitochondrial Genome Variation Affects Multiple Respiration and Non-respiration Phenotypes in . Genetics
Kayikci Ö, Magwene PM. (2018) Divergent Roles for cAMP--PKA Signaling in the Regulation of Filamentous Growth in and . G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Roth C, Sun S, Billmyre RB, et al. (2018) A High Resolution Map of Meiotic Recombination inDemonstrates Decreased Recombination in Unisexual Reproduction. Genetics
Ehrenreich IM, Magwene PM. (2017) Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2017: pdb.top077602
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