Jiangbo Wei, Ph.D.

Chemistry University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Chemistry, Chemical biology
"Jiangbo Wei"
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Zhangjie Shi research assistant 2012-2015 Peking University
Chuan He grad student 2015-2021 Chicago
Chuan He post-doc 2021- Chicago
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Cui XL, Nie J, Zhu H, et al. (2024) LABS: linear amplification-based bisulfite sequencing for ultrasensitive cancer detection from cell-free DNA. Genome Biology. 25: 157
Wang G, Li H, Ye C, et al. (2024) Quantitative profiling of mA at single base resolution across the life cycle of rice and Arabidopsis. Nature Communications. 15: 4881
F De Jesus D, Zhang Z, Brown NK, et al. (2024) Redox regulation of mA methyltransferase METTL3 in β-cells controls the innate immune response in type 1 diabetes. Nature Cell Biology
Jiang B, Zhong Z, Gu L, et al. (2023) Author Correction: Light-induced LLPS of the CRY2/SPA1/FIO1 complex regulating mRNA methylation and chlorophyll homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants
Jiang B, Zhong Z, Gu L, et al. (2023) Light-induced LLPS of the CRY2/SPA1/FIO1 complex regulating mRNA methylation and chlorophyll homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants
Zhang LS, Ye C, Ju CW, et al. (2023) BID-seq for transcriptome-wide quantitative sequencing of mRNA pseudouridine at base resolution. Nature Protocols
Zou Z, Wei J, Chen Y, et al. (2023) FMRP phosphorylation modulates neuronal translation through YTHDF1. Molecular Cell
Kahraman S, De Jesus DF, Wei J, et al. (2023) m A mRNA Methylation Regulates Early Pancreatic β-Cell Differentiation. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Mayman N, Wei J, Cai S, et al. (2023) Case report: A novel biallelic variant causing multisystem anomalies with severe epilepsy, widening the spectrum of syndrome. Sage Open Medical Case Reports. 11: 2050313X231188883
Zhang J, Wei J, Sun R, et al. (2023) A lncRNA from the FTO locus acts as a suppressor of the mA writer complex and p53 tumor suppression signaling. Molecular Cell
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