Arthur John Allmand

Chemistry King's College London, London, UK 
"Arthur John Allmand"

(1885 - 1951)

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Allmand AJ, Burrage LJ. (1931) The discontinuous nature of the process of sorption of gases and vapours by porous solids Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 130: 610-632
Allmand AJ, Chaplin R. (1930) The Sorption of Carbon Tetrachloride at Low Pressures by Activated Charcoals. Part II. Isothermals at 25 degrees C Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 129: 235-251
Allmand AJ, Style DWG. (1930) LXXXI.—The photolysis of aqueous hydrogen peroxide solutions. Part I. Experimental methods Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 596-606
Allmand AJ, Webb WW. (1929) CXCVII.—The photolysis of potassium ferrioxalate solutions. Part II. Discussion Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 1531-1537
Allmand AJ, Cocks HC. (1926) The Polarization of Zinc Electrodes in Neutral and Acid Solutions of Zinc Salts by Direct and Alternating Currents. Part I Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 112: 259-279
Bodenstein M, Weigert F, Luther R, et al. (1926) Part I: Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence. General discussion Transactions of the Faraday Society. 21: 515-524
Allmand AJ, Cocks HC. (1925) The Effect of Superposed Alternating Current on the Polarisable Primary Cell Zinc-Sulphuric Acid-Carbon. Part II. High Frequency Current Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 112: 252-258
Donnan FG, Allmand AJ. (1914) CLXXXI. - Ionic equilibria across semi-permeable membranes Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions. 105: 1941-1963
Donnan FG, Allmand AJ. (1911) XC. - A standard electrode with alkaline electrolyte: Hg | HgO alkali Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions. 99: 845-856
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