Teddy G. Traylor, Ph.D.

Chemistry University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Inorganic chemistry
"Teddy G. Traylor"

(1925 - 1993)
Teddy G. Traylor (1925 - 1993) never graduated from high school, but after the war, where he served in the Merchant Marine, he received his Ph.D. at UCLA with Saul Winstein and then was a postdoctoral fellow with Paul Bartlett at Harvard. He was the first organic chemist hired at UCSD, where he was a pioneer in organometallic chemistry. Teddy was the first to publish papers on superstructured porphyrins, and his research on oxygen binding and P-450 chemistry was seminal for the past two decades. His love of chemistry was surpassed only by his love of life. We are sorry that he is not with us to still enjoy them.

Mean distance: 7.01


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Saul Winstein grad student 1952 UCLA
 (The stereochemistry of electrophilic substitution; reactions of organomercury compounds)
Paul D. Bartlett post-doc 1959-1961 Harvard


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Robert Stan Brown grad student UCSD
Cheal Kim grad student UCSD
Charles E. McKenna grad student
Chris (Chi-Kwong) Chang grad student 1973 UCSD
Alison Butler grad student 1982 UCSD
William A. Lee grad student 1977-1982 UCSD
Debkumar Bandyopadhyay post-doc UCSD
Yoshihiko Ito post-doc
Dabney White Dixon post-doc 1979 UCSD
Shinobu Itoh post-doc 1987-1988 UCSD
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Portela CF, Brunckova J, Richards JL, et al. (1999) Distance dependence of photoinduced electron transfer in metalloporphyrin dimers Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 103: 10540-10552
Kim C, Traylor TG, Perrin CL. (1998) MCPBA epoxidation of alkenes: Reinvestigation of correlation between rate and ionization potential Journal of the American Chemical Society. 120: 9513-9516
Traylor TG, Kim C, Fann WP, et al. (1998) Reactions of hydroperoxides with iron(III) prophyrins: Heterolytic cleavage followed by hydroperoxide oxidation Tetrahedron. 54: 7977-7986
Dolphin D, Traylor TG, Xie LY. (1997) Polyhaloporphyrins: Unusual Ligands for Metals and Metal-Catalyzed Oxidations Accounts of Chemical Research. 30: 251-259
Traylor TG, Kim C, Richards JL, et al. (1995) Reactions of iron(III) porphyrins with oxidants. Structure-reactivity studies Journal of the American Chemical Society. 117: 3468-3474
David S, James BR, Dolphin D, et al. (1994) Dioxygen and carbon monoxide binding to apolar cyclophane hemes: Durene-capped hemes Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116: 6-14
Traylor TG, Magde D, Marsters J, et al. (1993) Geminate processes in the reaction of nitric oxide with 1-methylimidazole-iron(II) porphyrin complexes. Steric, solvent polarity, and viscosity effects Journal of the American Chemical Society. 115: 4808-4813
Traylor TG, Tsuchiya S, Byun YS, et al. (1993) High-yield epoxidations with hydrogen peroxide and tert-butyl hydroperoxide catalyzed by iron(III) porphyrins: Heterolytic cleavage of hydroperoxides Journal of the American Chemical Society. 115: 2775-2781
Traylor TG, Duprat AF, Sharma VS. (1993) Nitric oxide-triggered heme-mediated hydrolysis: A possible model for biological reactions of NO Journal of the American Chemical Society. 115: 810-811
Portela CF, Magde D, Traylor TG. (1993) The ortho effect in ligation of iron tetraphenylporphyrins Inorganic Chemistry. 32: 1313-1320
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