Emile M. Chamot, B.S., Ph.D.

Chemistry Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Chemical microscopy
"Emile Chamot"

(1868 - 1950)
Emile Chamot had a strong interest in chemical microscopy and was the senior thesis advisor for Harold Simmons Booth and probably had the strongest influence on Booth's subsequent career.

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George Chapman Caldwell research assistant Cornell
Louis Munroe Dennis grad student 1897 Cornell
 (Researches on didymium)


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Harold Simmons Booth research assistant Cornell
Clyde Walter Mason grad student 1924 Cornell
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Gerstenzang EM, Benedett-Pichler AA, Spikes WF, et al. (1936) Anorganische Mikrochemie Qualitative Analyse Zeitschrift F�R Analytische Chemie. 104: 282-298
Chamot EM, Brickenkamp RW. (1935) Microscopic chemical reactions of some of the polythionic acids Mikrochemie. 16: 121-132
Dennis LM, Work RW, Rochow EG, et al. (1934) Indium trimethyl Journal of the American Chemical Society. 56: 1047-1049
Chamot EM. (1932) Microanalytical methods as time and labor savers Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 4: 7-8
Chamot EM, Mason CW. (1928) Microscopic chemical reactions of the acids of chlorine, bromine and iodine Mikrochemie. 6: 82-91
Chamot EM, Bedient HA. (1928) Uranyl Acetate as a Reagent in Microscopic Qualitative Analysis Mikrochemie. 6: 13-21
Chamot EM, Mason CW. (1928) Mikroskopische chemische Reaktionen der S�uren von Chlor, Brom und Jod Zeitschrift F�R Analytische Chemie. 74: 248-249
Chamot EM, Mason CW. (1928) Chemical microscopy. I. Crystallization experiments as an introduction to metallography Journal of Chemical Education. 5: 9-24
Chamot EM, Mason CW. (1928) Chemical microscopy. III. Its value in the training of chemists Journal of Chemical Education. 5: 536-548
Chamot EM. (1928) Editor's outlook Journal of Chemical Education. 5: 5-8
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