Galen Craven
Affiliations: | 2014 | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA |
"Galen Craven"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorRigoberto Hernandez | grad student | 2014 | Georgia Tech |
Abraham Nitzan | post-doc | Penn |
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Chen R, Gibson T, Craven GT. (2024) Molecular heat transport across a time-periodic temperature gradient. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 160 |
Chen R, Gibson T, Craven GT. (2023) Energy transport between heat baths with oscillating temperatures. Physical Review. E. 108: 024148 |
Craven GT, Nitzan A. (2023) Electron hopping heat transport in molecules. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 158 |
Cui B, Craven GT, Nitzan A. (2021) Heat transport induced by electron transfer: A general temperature quantum calculation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 155: 194104 |
Craven GT, Nitzan A. (2020) Wiedemann-Franz Law for Molecular Hopping Transport. Nano Letters |
Craven GT, He D, Nitzan A. (2018) Electron-Transfer-Induced Thermal and Thermoelectric Rectification. Physical Review Letters. 121: 247704 |
Craven GT, Chen R, Nitzan A. (2018) Upside/Downside statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium Brownian motion. II. Heat transfer and energy partitioning of a free particle. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 149: 104103 |
Craven GT, Nitzan A. (2018) Upside/Downside statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium Brownian motion. I. Distributions, moments, and correlation functions of a free particle. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 148: 044101 |
Chen R, Craven GT, Nitzan A. (2017) Electron-transfer-induced and phononic heat transport in molecular environments. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 147: 124101 |
Craven GT, Junginger A, Hernandez R. (2017) Lagrangian descriptors of driven chemical reaction manifolds. Physical Review. E. 96: 022222 |