Mark Farrell
Affiliations: | 2010-2014 | Medicinal Chemistry | Kansas University |
"Mark Farrell"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAmos B. Smith, III | grad student | ||
Paul V Murphy | grad student | 2010-2014 | Kansas University |
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Zou S, Zhang S, Gaffney A, et al. (2020) Long-Acting BMS-378806 Analogues Stabilize the State-1 Conformation of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins. Journal of Virology |
Zhao C, Princiotto AM, Nguyen HT, et al. (2019) Strain-dependent Activation and Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Entry by a Specific PF-68742 Stereoisomer. Journal of Virology |
Herschhorn A, Gu C, Moraca F, et al. (2017) The β20-β21 of gp120 is a regulatory switch for HIV-1 Env conformational transitions. Nature Communications. 8: 1049 |
Farrell M, Zhou J, Murphy PV. (2013) Regiospecific anomerisation of acylated glycosyl azides and benzoylated disaccharides by using TiCl4. Chemistry (Weinheim An Der Bergstrasse, Germany). 19: 14836-51 |
Breen EP, Pilgrim W, Clarke KJ, et al. (2013) Lack of activation of UCP1 in isolated brown adipose tissue mitochondria by glucose-O-ω-modified saturated fatty acids of various chain lengths. Journal of Chemical Biology. 6: 121-33 |