Eric L Johnson

Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, United States 
Transition metal spectroscopy
"Eric Johnson"
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Czekner J, Cheung LF, Johnson EL, et al. (2018) A high-resolution photoelectron imaging and theoretical study of CP- and C2P. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 148: 044301
Sevy A, Sorensen JJ, Persinger TD, et al. (2017) Bond dissociation energies of TiSi, ZrSi, HfSi, VSi, NbSi, and TaSi. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 147: 084301
Sorensen JJ, Persinger TD, Sevy A, et al. (2016) Bond dissociation energies of diatomic transition metal selenides: TiSe, ZrSe, HfSe, VSe, NbSe, and TaSe. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 145: 214308
Johnson EL, Davis QC, Morse MD. (2016) Predissociation measurements of bond dissociation energies: VC, VN, and VS. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 144: 234306
Johnson EL, Morse MD. (2015) Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of jet-cooled OsSi. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143: 104303
Johnson EL, Morse MD. (2015) The electronic band system of nickel acetylide, NiCCH Molecular Physics
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