Alexander William Williamson
Affiliations: | Chemistry | University College London, London, United Kingdom |
Williamson ether synthesisWebsite:
"Alexander Williamson"Bio:
Also a mentor to Japan's very first and four-time prime minister, Hirobumi Ito.
Mean distance: 9.68 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorLeopold Gmelin | research scientist | Heidelberg University | |
Justus Von Liebig | research scientist | Ludwigs-Universität Giessen |
Sign in to add traineeIsidore Bernadotte Lyon | research assistant | UCL | |
Henry Enfield Roscoe | research assistant | 1852 | UCL |
George Carey Foster | research assistant | 1855 | UCL (Physics Tree) |
Henry Forster Morley | research assistant | 1875 | UCL |
Richard Tayler Plimpton | research assistant | 1874-1878 | UCL |
Joji Sakurai | research assistant | 1876-1881 | UCL |
Frederick Guthrie | grad student | 1851-1854 | UCL (Physics Tree) |
George Croom Robertson | grad student | 1861-1862 | University College London (MathTree) |
Charles Graham | grad student | 1864-1866 | UCL |
Robert William Atkinson | post-doc | 1872-1874 | UCL |
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Williamson AW. (1892) THE REAL MOTIONS OF THE FIXED STARS. Science (New York, N.Y.). 20: 192 |
Williamson AW. (1869) XXXI.—On the atomic theory J. Chem. Soc.. 22: 328-365 |
Williamson AW. (1869) On the atomic theory Journal of the Chemical Society. 22: 328-366 |
Williamson AW. (1865) LXIII. On chemical nomenclature Philosophical Magazine Series 1. 29: 464-471 |
Williamson AW, Russell WJ. (1864) On a new method of gas-analysis Journal of the Chemical Society. 17: 238-257 |
Williamson AW. (1863) LXV. On the Dynamics of the galvanic battery The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. 26: 452-462 |
Williamson AW, Russell WJ. (1858) Note on the measurement of gases in analysis Journal of the Franklin Institute. 66: 400 |
Williamson A. (1855) XIV. - On Dr. Kolbe's additive formulæ Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. 7: 122-139 |
Williamson AW. (1852) XXII. - On etherification Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. 4: 229-239 |
Williamson A. (1850) XLV. Theory of ætherification The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. 37: 350-356 |