Stefan Goedecker

Physics University of Basel, Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland 
"Stefan Goedecker"
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Gubler M, Finkler JA, Schäfer MR, et al. (2024) Accelerating Fourth-Generation Machine Learning Potentials Using Quasi-Linear Scaling Particle Mesh Charge Equilibration. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Ko TW, Finkler JA, Goedecker S, et al. (2023) Accurate Fourth-Generation Machine Learning Potentials by Electrostatic Embedding. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 19: 3567-3579
Rahmatizad Khajehpasha E, Goedecker S, Ghasemi SA. (2021) New strontium titanate polymorphs under high pressure. Journal of Computational Chemistry
Ko TW, Finkler JA, Goedecker S, et al. (2021) General-Purpose Machine Learning Potentials Capturing Nonlocal Charge Transfer. Accounts of Chemical Research
Ko TW, Finkler JA, Goedecker S, et al. (2021) A fourth-generation high-dimensional neural network potential with accurate electrostatics including non-local charge transfer. Nature Communications. 12: 398
Ratcliff LE, Dawson W, Fisicaro G, et al. (2020) Flexibilities of wavelets as a computational basis set for large-scale electronic structure calculations. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 152: 194110
Finkler JA, Goedecker S. (2020) Funnel hopping Monte Carlo: An efficient method to overcome broken ergodicity. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 152: 164106
Fisicaro G, Filice S, Scalese S, et al. (2020) Wet Environment Effects for Ethanol and Water Adsorption on Anatase TiO2 (101) Surfaces Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124: 2406-2419
De DS, Krummenacher M, Schaefer B, et al. (2019) Finding Reaction Pathways with Optimal Atomic Index Mappings. Physical Review Letters. 123: 206102
Puglisi RA, Caccamo S, Bongiorno C, et al. (2019) Direct observation of single organic molecules grafted on the surface of a silicon nanowire. Scientific Reports. 9: 5647
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