Philip Martin Johnson
Affiliations: | Chemistry | Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States |
Molecular spectroscopy and photophysicsWebsite:
"Philip Martin Johnson"Bio:
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Sign in to add mentorBenjamin M. Siegel | grad student | 1963 | Cornell (Physics Tree) | |
(M.S. thesis: Measurement of Wiener spectra of granularity patterns in electron micrographs.) | ||||
Andreas Christopher Albrecht | grad student | 1962-1966 | Cornell | |
(Electronic and photochemical properties of carbon dioxide anion and some benzyl type radicals.) |
Sign in to add traineeJoseph Lawrence Knee | grad student | 1983 | SUNY Stony Brook |
Andrew B. Burrill | grad student | 2003 | SUNY Stony Brook |
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Johnson PM. (2020) The longer timescale excited state dynamics of isolated benzene. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 152: 134307 |
Johnson PM, Sears TJ. (2015) Photo-assisted intersystem crossing: The predominant triplet formation mechanism in some isolated polycyclic aromatic molecules excited with pulsed lasers. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143: 044305 |
Johnson PM, Sears TJ. (2013) Enhancement of triplet stability in benzene by substituents with triple bonds. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 117: 7786-93 |
Lopez GV, Chang CH, Johnson PM, et al. (2012) What is the best DFT functional for vibronic calculations? A comparison of the calculated vibronic structure of the S1-S0 transition of phenylacetylene with cavity ringdown band intensities. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 116: 6750-8 |
Chang CH, Lopez G, Sears TJ, et al. (2010) Vibronic analysis of the S1-S0 transition of phenylacetylene using photoelectron imaging and spectral intensities derived from electronic structure calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 114: 8262-70 |
Hofstein J, Xu H, Sears T, et al. (2008) Fate of excited states in jet-cooled aromatic molecules: bifurcating pathways and very long lived species from the S1 excitation of phenylacetylene and benzonitrile. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 112: 1195-201 |
Xu H, Johnson PM, Sears TJ. (2006) Photoinduced Rydberg ionization spectroscopy of the B state of benzonitrile cation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 125: 164331 |
Johnson PM, Xu H, Sears TJ. (2006) The calculation of vibrational intensities in forbidden electronic transitions. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 125: 164330 |
Xu H, Johnson PM, Sears TJ. (2006) Photoinduced Rydberg ionization spectroscopy of phenylacetylene: vibrational assignments of the C state of the cation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 110: 7822-5 |
Burrill AB, Chung YK, Mann HA, et al. (2004) The Jahn-Teller effect in the lower electronic states of benzene cation. III. The ground-state vibrations of C6H6+ and C6D6+. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 120: 8587-99 |