Albin G. Pinkus

Chemistry Baylor University, Waco, TX 
"Albin Pinkus"
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Pinkus AG, Wu A, Lindberg JG. (1970) Grignard compound derived from isopropyl mesityl ketone containing trico-ordinate magnesium Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications. 859-860
Pinkus AG, Lindberg JG, Wu A. (1969) Structure of Grignard compound derived from mesityl methyl ketone Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications. 1350-1351
Pinkus AG, Servoss WC, Lum KK. (1967) Autoxidative cleavage of isopropyl mesityl ketone Journal of Organic Chemistry. 32: 2649-2651
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