Gulistan Tansik

2013-2017 Bilkent University, Long Beach, Ankara, Turkey 
"Gulistan Tansik"
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Alassaf A, Tansik G, Mayo V, et al. (2019) Engineering anisotropic cardiac monolayers on microelectrode arrays for non-invasive analyses of electrophysiological properties. The Analyst
Gulseren G, Tansik G, Garifullin R, et al. (2018) Dentin Phosphoprotein Mimetic Peptide Nanofibers Promote Biomineralization. Macromolecular Bioscience. e1800080
Eren ED, Tansik G, Tekinay AB, et al. (2018) Mineralized Peptide Nanofiber Gels for Enhanced Osteogenic Differentiation Chemnanomat. 4: 837-845
Topal AE, Tansik G, Ozkan AD, et al. (2017) Nanomechanical Characterization of Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Bioactive Peptide Nanofiber Hydrogels Advanced Materials Interfaces. 4: 1700090
Tansik G, Kilic E, Beter M, et al. (2016) A glycosaminoglycan mimetic peptide nanofiber gel as an osteoinductive scaffold. Biomaterials Science
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