Binit Lukose

Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Bremen, Germany 
"Binit Lukose"
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Liu L, Lukose B, Jaque P, et al. (2019) Reaction mechanism of hydrogen activation by frustrated Lewis pairs Green Energy & Environment. 4: 20-28
Liu L, Lukose B, Ensing B. (2018) A Free Energy Landscape of CO2 Capture by Frustrated Lewis Pairs Acs Catalysis. 8: 3376-3381
Wang J, Lukose B, Thompson MO, et al. (2017) Ab initio modeling of vacancies, antisites, and Si dopants in ordered InGaAs Journal of Applied Physics. 121: 045106
Liu L, Lukose B, Ensing B. (2017) Hydrogen Activation by Frustrated Lewis Pairs Revisited by Metadynamics Simulations The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121: 2046-2051
Friedländer S, Liu J, Addicoat M, et al. (2016) Linear Chains of Magnetic Ions Stacked with Variable Distance: Ferromagnetic Ordering with a Curie Temperature above 20 K. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Friedländer S, Liu J, Addicoat M, et al. (2016) Mit variablem Abstand gestapelte lineare Ketten magnetischer Ionen: ferromagnetische Ordnung mit einer Curie‐Temperatur von über 20 K Angewandte Chemie. 128: 12874-12879
Treml BE, Lukose B, Clancy P, et al. (2014) Connecting the particles in the box--controlled fusion of hexamer nanocrystal clusters within an AB₆ binary nanocrystal superlattice. Scientific Reports. 4: 6731
Kaushik AP, Lukose B, Clancy P. (2014) The role of shape on electronic structure and charge transport in faceted PbSe nanocrystals. Acs Nano. 8: 2302-17
Wang Z, Liu J, Lukose B, et al. (2014) Nanoporous designer solids with huge lattice constant gradients: multiheteroepitaxy of metal-organic frameworks. Nano Letters. 14: 1526-9
Chandra S, Kandambeth S, Biswal BP, et al. (2013) Chemically stable multilayered covalent organic nanosheets from covalent organic frameworks via mechanical delamination. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135: 17853-61
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