Joyanta Mondal
Affiliations: | 2016- | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
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Sign in to add mentorRajib Kumar Goswami | grad student | 2016- | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
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Chatterjee A, Mondal J, Paul S, et al. (2024) Deciphering the Comprehensive Structure-Activity Relationship of Sunshinamide for Breast Cancer Therapy through Dual Modulation of Apoptotic and Ferroptotic Pathways via TrxR1 and Gpx4 Inhibition. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry |
Sharma H, Mondal J, Ghosh AK, et al. (2022) Total synthesis of the antibacterial polyketide natural product thailandamide lactone. Chemical Science. 13: 13403-13408 |
Bose C, Das U, Kuilya TK, et al. (2022) Cananginone Abrogates EMT in Breast Cancer Cells through Hedgehog Signaling. Chemistry & Biodiversity. e202100823 |
Mondal J, Sarkar R, Sen P, et al. (2020) Total Synthesis and Stereochemical Assignment of Sunshinamide and Its Anticancer Activity. Organic Letters |
Goldman A, Khiste S, Freinkman E, et al. (2019) Targeting tumor phenotypic plasticity and metabolic remodeling in adaptive cross-drug tolerance. Science Signaling. 12 |
Das J, Samadder A, Mondal J, et al. (2016) Nano-encapsulated chlorophyllin significantly delays progression of lung cancer both in in vitro and in vivo models through activation of mitochondrial signaling cascades and drug-DNA interaction. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 46: 147-157 |
Mondal J, Das J, Shah R, et al. (2016) A homeopathic nosode, Hepatitis C 30 demonstrates anticancer effect against liver cancer cells in vitro by modulating telomerase and topoisomerase II activities as also by promoting apoptosis via intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. Journal of Integrative Medicine. 14: 209-18 |
Mondal J, Samadder A, Khuda-Bukhsh AR. (2016) Psorinum 6 × triggers apoptosis signals in human lung cancer cells. Journal of Integrative Medicine. 14: 143-53 |
Mondal J, Panigrahi AK, Khuda-Bukhsh AR. (2014) Anticancer potential of Conium maculatum extract against cancer cells in vitro: Drug-DNA interaction and its ability to induce apoptosis through ROS generation. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 10: S524-33 |
Bishayee K, Ghosh S, Mukherjee A, et al. (2013) Quercetin induces cytochrome-c release and ROS accumulation to promote apoptosis and arrest the cell cycle in G2/M, In cervical carcinoma: Signal cascade and drug-DNA interaction Cell Proliferation. 46: 153-163 |