Francisco Mederos-Henry, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) |
Materials Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Cultural Heritage ScienceGoogle:
"Francisco Mederos-Henry"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorLuz M. Martinez Calderon | research assistant | 2003-2004 | ITESM |
Marcelo Videa | research assistant | 2003-2004 | ITESM |
Sophie Hermans | grad student | 2012-2017 | Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) |
Isabelle Huynen | grad student | 2012-2017 | Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) |
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Mederos-Henry F, Mesfin H, Danlée Y, et al. (2020) Smart Nanocomposites for Nanosecond Signal Control: The Nano4waves Approach Applied Sciences. 10: 1102 |
Danlée Y, Mederos-Henry F, Hermans S, et al. (2020) Ranking Broadband Microwave Absorption Performance of Multilayered Polymer Nanocomposites Containing Carbon and Metallic Nanofillers Frontiers in Materials. 7 |
Jaiswar R, Mederos-Henry F, Hermans S, et al. (2020) Nonlinear electrical transport in Fe3O4-decorated graphene nanoplatelets Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 54: 065304 |
Mederos-Henry F, Depaifve S, Wolf A, et al. (2020) Nanocomposites with size-controlled nickel nanoparticles supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes for efficient frequency-selective microwave absorption Composites Science and Technology. 187: 107947 |
Jaiswar R, Mederos-Henry F, Dupont V, et al. (2020) Inkjet-printed frequency-selective surfaces based on carbon nanotubes for ultra-wideband thin microwave absorbers Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 31: 2190-2201 |
Mederos-Henry F, Mahin J, Pichon BP, et al. (2019) Highly Efficient Wideband Microwave Absorbers Based on Zero-Valent Fe@-FeO and Fe/Co/Ni Carbon-Protected Alloy Nanoparticles Supported on Reduced Graphene Oxide. Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland). 9 |
Mederos-Henry F, Hermans S, Huynen I. (2019) Microwave Characterization of Metal-Decorated Carbon Nanopowders Using a Single Transmission Line Journal of Nanomaterials. 2019: 1-11 |
Jaiswar R, Mederos-Henry F, Dupont V, et al. (2019) A ultra-wideband thin microwave absorber using inkjet-printed frequency-selective surfaces combining carbon nanotubes and magnetic nanoparticles Applied Physics A. 125: 1-8 |
Jaiswar R, Mederos-Henry F, Dupont V, et al. (2017) A thin ultra-wideband microwave absorbing structure printed on flexible substrate with resistive-ink made of multiwall carbon-nanotube Metamaterials. 160-162 |
Mederos-Henry F, Pichon BP, Yagang YT, et al. (2016) Decoration of nanocarbon solids with magnetite nanoparticles: towards microwave metamaterial absorbers Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 4: 3290-3303 |