Lloyd McClain Parks
Affiliations: | 1938-1956 | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI | |
1956-1977 | Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH |
Pharmaceutical chemistryGoogle:
"Lloyd McClain Parks"Bio:
(1912 - 2005)
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Sign in to add mentorCharles Oren Lee | grad student | 1937 | Purdue | |
(MSc. 'A Study of Precipitation in Fluid Extract of Uva Ursi') | ||||
Edward Kremers | grad student | 1938 | UW Madison | |
(Ph.D. "A phytochemical study of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi") |
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HENNIG AJ, HIGUCHI T, PARKS L. (2004) Sabadilla alkaloids. III. Chromatographic separation of the water-soluble fraction; isolation of a new crystalline alkaloid, sabatine. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association. 40: 168-72 |
el-Naggar L, Beal JL, Parks LM, et al. (1978) A note on the isolation and identification of two pharmacologically active constituents of Euphorbia pilulifera. Lloydia. 41: 73-5 |
Parks LM. (1975) Continuing education--putting the cart before the horse. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 15: 448-51, 457 |
Eggleston MW, Boogren RA, Denmark GD, et al. (1974) Report of the Committee on Nominations Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (1961). 14: 501 |
Parks LM. (1973) A salute to Glenn Sonnedecker. Pharmacy in History. 15: 139-54 |
Parks LM. (1972) Time for decisions; changes. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 12: 263-7 passim |
Parks LM. (1971) The seventies--a period of necessary change. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 11: 225-6 |
Parks L. (1971) Flaubert's Name Game in "Madame Bovary" The South Central Bulletin. 31: 207 |
Parks LM. (1968) Changing concepts and attitudes in educating pharmacists. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 25: 161-7 |
Parks LM. (1968) a year of challenges Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (1961). 8: 347-349 |