Yang Lan
Affiliations: | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
colloids, supramolecular chemistryGoogle:
"Yang Lan"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorOren A. Scherman | grad student | 2011-2015 | Cambridge |
Daeyeon Lee | post-doc | 2017- | Penn |
Kathleen J. Stebe | post-doc | 2018- | Penn (E-Tree) |
Erika Eiser | post-doc | 2015-2017 | Cambridge |
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Du M, Yang L, Liao C, et al. (2020) Recyclable and Dual Cross-Linked High-Performance Polymer with an Amplified Strength-Toughness Combination. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. e1900606 |
Erdem T, Lan Y, Xu P, et al. (2020) Transparent films made of highly scattering particles. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids |
Lan Y, Liu J, Eiser E, et al. (2019) Polymeric raspberry-like particles via template-assisted polymerisation Polymer Chemistry. 10: 3772-3777 |
Lan Y, Choi J, Li H, et al. (2019) Janus Particles with Varying Configurations for Emulsion Stabilization Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 58: 20961-20968 |
Jia Y, Huang R, Lan Y, et al. (2019) Reversible Aggregation and Dispersion of Particles at a Liquid-Liquid Interface Using Space Charge Injection Advanced Materials Interfaces. 6: 1801920 |
Lan Y, Caciagli A, Guidetti G, et al. (2018) Unexpected stability of aqueous dispersions of raspberry-like colloids. Nature Communications. 9: 3614 |
Williams P, Walsh-Korb Z, Jones S, et al. (2018) Stress dissipation in cucurbit[8]uril ternary complex small molecule adhesives. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids |
Xu P, Lan Y, Xing Z, et al. (2018) Liquid crystalline behaviour of self-assembled LAPONITE®/PLL-PEG nanocomposites. Soft Matter |
Xu P, Lan Y, Dai L, et al. (2018) Discotic liquid crystals of cucurbit[7]uril (CB[7])-functionalised Laponite clays Molecular Physics. 116: 2883-2891 |
Zupkauskas M, Lan Y, Joshi D, et al. (2017) Optically transparent dense colloidal gels. Chemical Science. 8: 5559-5566 |