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Robert A. Berner grad student 1988 Yale
 (Sulfate Reduction and the Diagenesis of Iron in Anoxic Marine Sediments.)


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Christian Bjerrum post-doc (Geotree)
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Xiao W, Xu Y, Canfield DE, et al. (2024) Strong linkage between benthic oxygen uptake and bacterial tetraether lipids in deep-sea trench regions. Nature Communications. 15: 3439
Farrell ÚC, Samawi R, Anjanappa S, et al. (2021) The Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project. Geobiology
Poulton SW, Bekker A, Cumming VM, et al. (2021) A 200-million-year delay in permanent atmospheric oxygenation. Nature
Löscher CR, Mohr W, Bange HW, et al. (2020) No nitrogen fixation in the Bay of Bengal? Biogeosciences. 17: 851-864
Canfield DE, Knoll AH, Poulton SW, et al. (2020) Carbon isotopes in clastic rocks and the Neoproterozoic carbon cycle American Journal of Science. 320: 97-124
Ye Y, Wang H, Wang X, et al. (2020) Tracking the evolution of seawater Mo isotopes through the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition Precambrian Research. 350: 105929
Canfield DE, Bjerrum CJ, Zhang S, et al. (2020) The modern phosphorus cycle informs interpretations of Mesoproterozoic Era phosphorus dynamics Earth-Science Reviews. 208: 103267
Bennett WW, Canfield DE. (2020) Redox-sensitive trace metals as paleoredox proxies: A review and analysis of data from modern sediments Earth-Science Reviews. 204: 103175
Finke N, Simister RL, O'Neil AH, et al. (2019) Mesophilic microorganisms build terrestrial mats analogous to Precambrian microbial jungles. Nature Communications. 10: 4323
Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H, et al. (2019) Paleoenvironmental proxies and what the Xiamaling Formation tells us about the mid-Proterozoic ocean. Geobiology
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