Dan Thomas Major

Chemistry Bar-Ilan University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel 
"Dan Major"
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Bilha Fischer grad student 2003 Bar-Ilan
Jiali Gao post-doc 2003-2006 UMN


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Anil Mhashal grad student
Mudit Dixit post-doc 2014-2016 Bar-Ilan
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Hwang W, Austin SL, Blondel A, et al. (2024) CHARMM at 45: Enhancements in Accessibility, Functionality, and Speed. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Major DT, Gupta PK, Gao J. (2022) Origin of Catalysis by Nitroalkane Oxidase. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 127: 151-162
Mhashal AR, Major DT. (2021) Temperature-Dependent Kinetic Isotope Effects in R67 Dihydrofolate Reductase from Path-Integral Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Raz K, Driller R, Dimos N, et al. (2020) The Impression of a Nonexisting Catalytic Effect: The Role of CotB2 in Guiding the Complex Biosynthesis of Cyclooctat-9-en-7-ol. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142: 21562-21574
Raz K, Levi S, Gupta PK, et al. (2020) Enzymatic control of product distribution in terpene synthases: insights from multiscale simulations. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 65: 248-258
Perkal O, Qasem Z, Turgeman M, et al. (2020) Cu(I) Controls Conformational States in Human Atox1 Metallochaperone: An EPR and Multiscale Simulation Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Raz K, Driller R, Brück T, et al. (2020) Understanding the role of active site residues in CotB2 catalysis using a cluster model. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. 16: 50-59
Kannath S, Adamczyk P, Ferro-Costas D, et al. (2020) Role of Microsolvation and Quantum Effects in the Accurate Prediction of Kinetic Isotope Effects: The Case of Hydrogen Atom Abstraction in Ethanol by Atomic Hydrogen in Aqueous Solution. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 16: 847-859
Chakraborty A, Kunnikuruvan S, Zitoun D, et al. (2020) First principles study of electrocatalytic behavior of olivine phosphates with mixed alkali and mixed transition metal atoms Rsc Advances. 10: 29175-29180
Chakraborty A, Kunnikuruvan S, Kumar S, et al. (2020) Layered Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Review of Computational Studies on LiNi1–x–yCoxMnyO2 and LiNi1–x–yCoxAlyO2 Chemistry of Materials. 32: 915-952
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