Ulrich F. Müller

2006- Chemistry & Biochemistry University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Evolution of catalytic RNAs, and the Origin of Life
"Ulrich F. Müller"


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H. Ulrich Göringer grad student 2000 Technische Universität Darmstadt
 (Die RNA-Interaktionen des Proteins gBP21 aus Trypanosoma brucei stimulieren die Hybridisierung komplementärer RNAs)
David P. Bartel post-doc 2001-2006 Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research


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Karen E. Olson grad student 2012 UCSD
Janina E. Moretti grad student 2013 UCSD
Zhaleh N. Amini grad student 2015 UCSD
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Sweeney KJ, Han X, Müller UF. (2023) A ribozyme that uses lanthanides as cofactor. Nucleic Acids Research
Arriola JT, Müller UF. (2020) A combinatorial method to isolate short ribozymes from complex ribozyme libraries. Nucleic Acids Research
Pressman AD, Liu Z, Janzen E, et al. (2019) Mapping a systematic ribozyme fitness landscape reveals a frustrated evolutionary network for self-aminoacylating RNA. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Akoopie A, Müller UF. (2018) The NTP binding site of the polymerase ribozyme. Nucleic Acids Research
Akoopie A, Müller UF. (2018) Cotranscriptional 3'-End Processing of T7 RNA Polymerase Transcripts by a Smaller HDV Ribozyme. Journal of Molecular Evolution
Pressman A, Moretti JE, Campbell GW, et al. (2017) Analysis of in vitro evolution reveals the underlying distribution of catalytic activity among random sequences. Nucleic Acids Research
Pressman A, Moretti JE, Campbell GW, et al. (2017) Analysis of in vitro evolution reveals the underlying distribution of catalytic activity among random sequences. Nucleic Acids Research
Müller UF. (2017) Design and Experimental Evolution of trans-Splicing Group I Intron Ribozymes. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 22
Akoopie A, Müller UF. (2016) Lower temperature optimum of a smaller, fragmented triphosphorylation ribozyme. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Dolan GF, Akoopie A, Müller UF. (2015) A Faster Triphosphorylation Ribozyme. Plos One. 10: e0142559
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