Campbell William Robinson

1971-1996 Chemical Engineering University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada 
Biochemical Engineering
"Campbell William Robinson"

(1933 - 2016)

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Charles R. Wilke grad student 1971 UC Berkeley
 (Mass transfer coefficients and interfacial area for gas absorption by agitated aqueous electrolyte solutions.)


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Cady R. Engler grad student 1980 University of Waterloo (E-Tree)
D. Grant Allen grad student 1983-1987 University of Waterloo
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Allen DG, Robinson CW. (1991) Comments on the communication: on the calculation of shear rate and apparent viscosity in airlift and bubble column bioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 38: 212-6
Allen DG, Robinson CW. (1989) Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in Aspergillus niger fermentations in bubble column and loop bioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 34: 731-40
Popović M, Robinson CW. (1988) External-circulation-loop airlift bioreactors: study of the liquid circulating velocity in highly viscous non-Newtonian liquids. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 32: 301-12
Bello RA, Robinson CW, Moo-Young M. (1985) Gas holdup and overall volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient in airlift contactors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 27: 369-81
Robinson CW, Wilke CR. (1974) Simultaneous measurement of interfacial area and mass transfer coefficients for a well—mixed gas dispersion in aqueous electrolyte solutions Aiche Journal. 20: 285-294
Robinson CW, Wilke CR. (1973) Oxygen absorption in stirred tanks: A correlation for ionic strength effects Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 15: 755-782
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