V. R. Pedireddi
Affiliations: | Oragnic Chemistry | CSIR-NCL |
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Sign in to add traineeSunil Varughese | grad student | 2003-2007 | CSIR-NCL |
Seetha Lekshmi Sunil | grad student | 2004-2009 | CSIR-NCL |
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Easmin S, Pedireddi VR. (2023) Supramolecular assemblies in the molecular complexes of 4-cyanophenylboronic acid with different N-donor ligands. Rsc Advances. 13: 23267-23284 |
Easmin S, Pedireddi VR. (2023) Systematic Exploration of Structural Topologies in Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Assemblies of Citric Acid with Different Heterocyclic Compounds. Acs Omega. 8: 23202-23217 |
Giri L, Pedireddi VR. (2018) Synthesis and structure analysis of three new lanthanide complexes, [Ce(NO3)6]·[(H-phen)6·(NO3)3], [Pr(NO3)6]·[(H-phen)6·(NO3)3] and [Sm(NO3)3·(phen)·(H2O)2]·[(H-phen)·(NO3)·H2O] Inorganica Chimica Acta. 477: 160-164 |
TalwelkarShimpi M, Öberg S, Giri L, et al. (2017) Some Hydrated Molecular Complexes of 4-Cyanophenylboronic Acid: Significance of Water in the Structure Stabilization by Theoretical Investigation Crystal Growth & Design. 17: 6247-6254 |
Nayak A, Pedireddi V. (2017) A study of hierarchy of hydrogen and halogen bonds in the molecular complexes of 4-iodophenol with various aza-donor compounds Journal of Molecular Structure. 1130: 251-263 |
Talwelkarshimpi M, Öberg S, Giri L, et al. (2016) Experimental and theoretical studies of molecular complexes of theophylline with some phenylboronic acids Rsc Advances. 6: 43060-43068 |
Nayak A, Pedireddi VR. (2016) Rational Analysis of Melting Point Behavior of Co-Crystals of 4-Nitrophenol with Some Aza-Compounds Crystal Growth & Design. 16: 5966-5975 |
Shimpi MR, Biswas SN, Sarkar S, et al. (2016) Synthesis and structural evaluation of five coordination complexes of benzenepentacarboxylic acid with aza-donor ligands Journal of Molecular Structure. 1114: 38-47 |
Nandy P, Nayak A, Biswas SN, et al. (2016) Self-assembly in solvates of 2,4-diamino-6-(4-methyl- phenyl)-1,3,5-triazine and in its molecular adducts with some aliphatic dicarboxylic acids Journal of Molecular Structure. 1108: 717-726 |
Varughese S, Hoser AA, Jarzembska KN, et al. (2015) Positional Isomerism and Conformational Flexibility Directed Structural Variations in the Molecular Complexes of Dihydroxybenzoic Acids Crystal Growth & Design. 15: 3832-3841 |