Herman James Almquist

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
poultry nutrition
"Herman James Almquist"

DOI: 10.1021/ja01345a018

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Gerald E. K. Branch grad student 1932 UC Berkeley
 (The absorption of oxygen by benzaldehyde.)


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E. L. Robert Stokstad grad student 1937 UC Berkeley
Charles Richard Grau grad student 1946 UC Berkeley (Physiology Academic Tree)
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Kratzer FH, Almquist HJ, Vohra P. (1996) Effect of diet on growth and plasma ascorbic acid in chicks. Poultry Science. 75: 82-9
ALMQUIST HJ, MERRITT JB. (1950) Protein and arginine levels in chick diets. Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 73: 136
GRAU CR, ALMQUIST HJ. (1945) Value of sunflower seed protein. Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 60: 373
Almquist HJ, Grau CR. (1945) Further Studies on Cystine, Methionine and Choline in Chick Diets The Journal of Nutrition. 29: 219-222
Grau C, Almquist H. (1944) Beef Blood Proteins in Chick Diets Poultry Science. 23: 486-490
Almquist H, Grau C. (1944) Mutual Supplementary Effect of the Proteins of Soybean and Sesame Meals Poultry Science. 23: 341-343
Grau CR, Almquist HJ. (1944) Sesame Protein in Chick Diets. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 57: 187-189
Almquist HJ, Grau CR. (1944) The Amino Acid Requirements of the Chick The Journal of Nutrition. 28: 325-331
Grau CR, Almquist HJ. (1944) Requirement of Tryptophane by the Chick The Journal of Nutrition. 28: 263-267
Almquist HJ, Grau CR. (1944) Interrelation of Methionine, Choline, Betaine and Arsenocholine in the Chick The Journal of Nutrition. 27: 263-269
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