Henrik Joakim Stafseth

Bacteriology and Public Health Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Bacteriology and Public Health
"Henrik Joakim Stafseth"

(1890 - 1968)

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Stafseth HJ. (1958) Advances in Knowledge of Poultry Diseases Over the Past Fifty Years Poultry Science. 37: 741-775
Richey DJ, Mack WN, Stafseth HJ. (1954) The Hemagglutination Reaction in Avian Tuberculosis Poultry Science. 33: 345-350
Pital A, Stafseth HJ, Lucas EH. (1954) An Experimental Study on the Control of Pullorum Disease Poultry Science. 33: 134-139
Lynch JE, Stafseth HJ. (1954) Electrophoretic Studies on the Serum Proteins of Turkeys 2. The Composition of Pullorum Immune Turkey Serum Poultry Science. 33: 54-61
Lynch JE, Stafseth HJ. (1953) Electrophoretic Studies on the Serum Proteins of Turkeys I. The Composition of Normal Turkey Serum Poultry Science. 32: 1068-1073
Lynch JE, Stafseth HJ. (1952) On the Cause of Incomplete Coagulation of Blood and Gelling of Serum of Turkeys Poultry Science. 31: 901-902
Hewes WE, Stafseth HJ. (1952) Pullorum Disease Studies in Turkeys V. On the Chemical Nature of the Factor Responsible for Zone Reactions in the Tube Agglutination Test for Pullorum Disease in Turkeys Poultry Science. 31: 632-638
Wai WY, Stafseth HJ. (1950) Pullorum Disease Studies in Turkeys IV. Blood Cells and their Response to Pullorum Infection Poultry Science. 29: 328-331
Wai WY, Stafseth HJ. (1950) Pullorum Disease Studies in Turkeys: III. Studies on the Bactericidal and Agglutinative Properties of Serum and Plasma of Normal and Pullorum Infected Turkeys,, Poultry Science. 29: 319-327
Chang K, Stafseth HJ. (1950) Influence of Serum of Normal and Pullorum-Infected Birds on the Bacteriostatic and Bactericidal Action of Sulfadiazine on Salmonella pullorum Poultry Science. 29: 139-145
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