Spencer S. Walse, Ph.D.

2003 University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
Analytical Chemistry, Agricultural Chemistry, Geochemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences
"Spencer Walse"
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John L. Ferry grad student 2003 University of South Carolina
 (Fate of agrochemicals endosulfan and fipronil in model estuarine environments.)
William A. Mitch post-doc 2008 USDA - ARS (E-Tree)
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Weng C, Napier C, Katte C, et al. (2024) Electrochemical Generation of Hydroxide and Hydrogen Peroxide for Hydrolysis of Sulfuryl Fluoride Fumigant. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 72: 15133-15141
Walse SS, Tebbets JS, Leesch JG. (2019) Postharvest methyl bromide fumigation of Japanese plums to control codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 22: 807-815
Walse SS, Rodriguez M, Tebbets JS. (2018) Postharvest treatment research at USDA-ARS: stored product fumigation: Julius-KüHn-Archiv. 569-576
Li Y, Liu C, Cui Y, et al. (2016) Development of an Activated Carbon-Based Electrode for the Capture and Rapid Electrolytic Reductive Debromination of Methyl Bromide from Post-Harvest Fumigations. Environmental Science & Technology
Yang Y, Li Y, Walse SS, et al. (2015) Destruction of methyl bromide sorbed to activated carbon by thiosulfate or electrolysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 49: 4515-21
Hall WA, Bellamy DE, Walse SS. (2015) Activated carbons from end-products of tree nut and tree fruit production as sorbents for removing methyl bromide in ventilation effluent following postharvest chamber fumigation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 63: 3094-103
Walse SS, Myers SW, Liu YB, et al. (2013) Postharvest treatment of fresh fruit from California with methyl bromide for control of light brown apple moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 106: 1155-63
Walse SS, Krugner R, Tebbets JS. (2012) Postharvest treatment of strawberries with methyl bromide to control spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 15: 451-456
Montesinos-Herrero C, Smilanick JL, Tebbets JS, et al. (2011) Control of citrus postharvest decay by ammonia gas fumigation and its influence on the efficacy of the fungicide imazalil Postharvest Biology and Technology. 59: 85-93
Kemper JM, Walse SS, Mitch WA. (2010) Quaternary amines as nitrosamine precursors: a role for consumer products? Environmental Science & Technology. 44: 1224-31
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