
Georg Maxein

Polymer Science and Engineering University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United States 
"Georg Maxein"
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Maxein G, Mayer S, Zentel R. (1999) Structure−Property Relations in Cholesteric Networks from Chiral Polyisocyanates Macromolecules. 32: 5747-5754
Mayer S, Maxein G, Zentel R. (1999) Photosensitive chiral polyisocyanates Macromolecular Symposia. 137: 67-73
Mayer S, Maxein G, Zentel R. (1998) Correlation between the Isomerization of Side Groups and the Helical Main Chain in Chiral Polyisocyanates Macromolecules. 31: 8522-8525
Maxein G, Zentel R. (1995) Photochemical Inversion of the Helical Twist Sense in Chiral Polyisocyanates Macromolecules. 28: 8438-8440
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