Raymond Kenneth Burkhard

1950- Biochemistry Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, United States 
mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and microcalorimetry
"Raymond Kenneth Burkhard"

(1924 - 2018)

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Irving M. Klotz grad student 1950 Northwestern
 (The Binding of Organic Ions by Proteins: the Effect of Structural Isomerism.)
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Burkhard RK. (1985) The influence of methanol on the interactions of calcium with the pyridine nucleotides. Biophysical Chemistry. 21: 15-9
Burkhard RK. (1982) Interactions of calcium with the pyridine nucleotides. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 218: 207-12
Dohm GL, Kiser R, Kiser EJ, et al. (1970) Comparative effects of four uncouplers on the enthalpy change for mitochondrial oxidation of succinate by ferricyanide. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 245: 2773-8
GREEN DE, BURKHARD RK. (1961) Studies on the electron transport system. 33. Succinic-cytochrome c reductase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 92: 312-20
Burkhard RK, Bauer R, Grossman RM. (1957) Interactions of Homologs of Carcinogenic Azo Dyes and Proteins1-3 Journal of the American Chemical Society. 79: 3209-3212
Burkhard RK, Burgert BE, Levitt JS. (1953) An Anomaly Among Interactions Involving Certain Azo Dye Anions and Bovine Serum Albumin1,2 Journal of the American Chemical Society. 75: 2977-2980
Burkhard RK. (1953) Interactions of the Aminobenzoate Ions and Serum Albumin1 Journal of the American Chemical Society. 75: 229-230
Klotz IM, Burkhard RK, Urquhart JM. (1952) Structural Specificities in the Interactions of Some Organic Ions with Serum Albumin Journal of the American Chemical Society. 74: 202-208
Klotz IM, Burkhard RK, Urquhart JM. (1952) The Binding of Organic Ions by Proteins. Comparison of Bovine and Human Serum Albumins The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 56: 77-85
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