Eugenio Daviso

2004-2008 Chemistry Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands 
 2010-2012 Chemistry Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United States 
 2012-2014 Chemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Eugenio Daviso"
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Huub J.M. de Groot grad student 2004-2008 Leiden
Jörg Matysik grad student 2004-2008 Leiden
Judith Herzfeld post-doc 2012 Brandeis
Robert G. Griffin post-doc 2012-2013 MIT
Gunnar Jeschke research scientist 2004-2008 Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz
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Michaelis VK, Keeler EG, Bahri S, et al. (2022) Biradical Polarizing Agents at High Fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Ni QZ, Can TV, Daviso E, et al. (2018) Primary transfer step in the light-driven ion pump bacteriorhodopsin: an irreversible U-turn revealed by DNP-enhanced MAS NMR. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Ni QZ, Markhasin E, Can TV, et al. (2017) Peptide and Protein Dynamics and Low-Temperature/DNP Magic Angle Spinning NMR. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Luo ZX, Fox L, Cummings M, et al. (2016) New frontiers in in vitro medical diagnostics by low field T2 magnetic resonance relaxometry Trac - Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 83: 94-102
Sai Sankar Gupta KB, Daviso E, Jeschke G, et al. (2014) Spectral editing through laser-flash excitation in two-dimensional photo-CIDNP MAS NMR experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997). 246: 9-17
Daviso E, Belenky M, Griffin RG, et al. (2013) Gas vesicles across kingdoms: a comparative solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance study. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology. 23: 281-9
Ni QZ, Daviso E, Can TV, et al. (2013) High frequency dynamic nuclear polarization. Accounts of Chemical Research. 46: 1933-41
Jawla S, Ni QZ, Barnes A, et al. (2013) Continuously Tunable 250 GHz Gyrotron with a Double Disk Window for DNP-NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. 34: 42-52
Daviso E, Eddy MT, Andreas LB, et al. (2013) Efficient resonance assignment of proteins in MAS NMR by simultaneous intra- and inter-residue 3D correlation spectroscopy. Journal of Biomolecular Nmr. 55: 257-65
Michaelis VK, Markhasin E, Daviso E, et al. (2012) Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Oxygen-17. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 3: 2030-2034
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