Noel O'Boyle

2005-2006 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
"Noel O'Boyle"
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O'Boyle N, Dalke A. (2018) DeepSMILES: An Adaptation of SMILES for Use in Machine-Learning of Chemical Structures Chemrxiv
O'Boyle NM, Palmer DS, Nigsch F, et al. (2008) Simultaneous feature selection and parameter optimisation using an artificial ant colony: case study of melting point prediction. Chemistry Central Journal. 2: 21
O'Boyle NM, Holliday GL, Almonacid DE, et al. (2007) Using reaction mechanism to measure enzyme similarity. Journal of Molecular Biology. 368: 1484-99
Palmer DS, O'Boyle NM, Glen RC, et al. (2007) Random forest models to predict aqueous solubility. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 47: 150-8
Holliday GL, Almonacid DE, Bartlett GJ, et al. (2007) MACiE (Mechanism, Annotation and Classification in Enzymes): novel tools for searching catalytic mechanisms. Nucleic Acids Research. 35: D515-20
Holliday GL, Bartlett GJ, Almonacid DE, et al. (2005) MACiE: a database of enzyme reaction mechanisms. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 21: 4315-6
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