Bruce R. Johnson

Chemistry Rice University, Houston, TX 
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Acevedo R, Lombardini R, Johnson BR. (2010) Matrix-free application of Hamiltonian operators in Coifman wavelet bases. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 132: 244112
Lombardini R, Acevedo R, Halas NJ, et al. (2010) Plasmonic enhancement of raman optical activity in molecules near metal nanoshells: Theoretical comparison of circular polarization methods Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114: 7390-7400
Acevedo R, Lombardini R, Halas NJ, et al. (2009) Plasmonic enhancement of Raman optical activity in molecules near metal nanoshells. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 113: 13173-83
Matanović I, Doslić N, Johnson BR. (2008) Generalized approximation to the reaction path: the formic acid dimer case. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 128: 084103
Griffin CD, Acevedo R, Massey DW, et al. (2006) Multimode wavelet basis calculations via the molecular self-consistent-field plus configuration-interaction method. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124: 134105
Gibson JW, Johnson BR. (2006) Density-matrix calculation of surface-enhanced Raman scattering for p-mercaptoaniline on silver nanoshells. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124: 64701
Massey DW, Acevedo R, Johnson BR. (2006) Additions to the class of symmetric-antisymmetric multiwavelets: derivation and use as quantum basis functions. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124: 14101
Lewis EK, Haaland WC, Nguyen F, et al. (2005) Color-blind fluorescence detection for four-color DNA sequencing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 5346-51
Maloney A, Kinsey JL, Johnson BR. (2002) Wavelets in curvilinear coordinate quantum calculations: H2 + electronic states Journal of Chemical Physics. 117: 3548-3557
Wasserman TAW, Vaccaro PH, Johnson BR. (2002) The influence of finite bandwidth excitation sources in degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy Journal of Chemical Physics. 116: 10099-10121
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