Aparna Sarkar

Presidency University, Kolkata 
"Aparna Sarkar"
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Gain C, Sarkar A, Bural S, et al. (2021) Identification of two novel thiophene analogues as inducers of autophagy mediated cell death in breast cancer cells. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 37: 116112
Sarkar A, Pyne DK, Biswas T, et al. (2020) Tunable luminescence of a synthesized furophenanthraquinone derivative: interactions with different solvents. Luminescence : the Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence
Sarkar A, Das R, Kar GK. (2018) Thiophene Analogue of Isotanshinone-II Nucleus: A Novel Approach towards the Synthesis of Phenanthro[4,3-b ]-thiophene-4,5-dione and Phenanthro[3,4-b ]thiophene-4,5-dione Derivatives Chemistryselect. 3: 11422-11426
Sarkar A, Das R, Kar GK. (2017) A Suzuki-Coupling-Based Generalized Route for the Synthesis of 2-(2/3-Thienyl)cycloalk-1-ene-1-carbaldehydes as Precursors for Condensed Thienophenanthraquinones Synlett. 29: 344-348
Patra P, Kar GK, Sarkar A, et al. (2012) N-aryl modification in-lactam: Design and synthesis of novel monocyclic-lactam derivatives as inhibitor for bacterial propagation Synthetic Communications. 42: 3031-3041
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