Bharat Tandon

2024- IIT Roorkee 
Semiconductor Plasmonics, Magneto-Optics of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, Metal Oxide Nanocrystals, Electrochromism
"Bharat Tandon"
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Angshuman Nag grad student 2014-2019 IISER Pune
Pavle V. Radovanovic post-doc 2022-2024 University of Waterloo
Delia J. Milliron research scientist 2017-2018 UT Austin
 (Project: Study of Opto-Electronic Properties of Doped Metal Oxide Nanocrystals)
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Tandon B, Radovanovic PV. (2023) Size Control of the Mechanism of Exciton Polarization in Metal Oxide Nanocrystals through Fermi Level Pinning. Acs Nano
Tandon B, Gibbs SL, Dean C, et al. (2023) Highly Responsive Plasmon Modulation in Dopant-Segregated Nanocrystals. Nano Letters
Gabbani A, Sangregorio C, Tandon B, et al. (2022) Magnetoplasmonics beyond Metals: Ultrahigh Sensing Performance in Transparent Conductive Oxide Nanocrystals. Nano Letters
Gibbs SL, Dean C, Saad J, et al. (2020) Dual-Mode Infrared Absorption by Segregating Dopants within Plasmonic Semiconductor Nanocrystals. Nano Letters
Tandon B, Agrawal A, Heo S, et al. (2019) Competition between Depletion Effects and Coupling in the Plasmon Modulation of Doped Metal Oxide Nanocrystals. Nano Letters
Tandon B, Ghosh S, Milliron DJ. (2019) Dopant Selection Strategy for High-Quality Factor Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance from Doped Metal Oxide Nanocrystals Chemistry of Materials. 31: 7752-7760
Tandon B, Ashok A, Nag A. (2015) Colloidal transparent conducting oxide nanocrystals: A new infrared plasmonic material Pramana - Journal of Physics. 84: 1087-1098
Tandon B, Shanker GS, Nag A. (2014) Multifunctional Sn- and Fe-Codoped In2O3 Colloidal Nanocrystals: Plasmonics and Magnetism. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5: 2306-11
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