
Lauren E Marbella, Ph. D.

2018- Chemical Engineering Columbia University, New York, NY 
energy storage; batteries; nanomaterials; NMR/MRI
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Partha Basu research assistant 2009 Duquesne University
Jill Millstone grad student 2012-2016 University of Pittsburgh
Clare P. Grey post-doc 2016-2018 Cambridge


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Amrita Sarkar post-doc 2019-2020 Columbia
BETA: Related publications


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Sarkar A, May R, Ramesh S, et al. (2021) Recovery and Reuse of Composite Cathode Binder in Lithium Ion Batteries. Chemistryopen. 10: 545-552
Torayev A, Engelke S, Su Z, et al. (2021) Probing and Interpreting the Porosity and Tortuosity Evolution of Li-O Cathodes on Discharge through a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces. 125: 4955-4967
Hestenes JC, Ells AW, Navarro Goldaraz M, et al. (2020) Reversible Deposition and Stripping of the Cathode Electrolyte Interphase on LiRuO. Frontiers in Chemistry. 8: 681
Pesci FM, Bertei A, Brugge RH, et al. (2020) Establishing Ultra-Low Activation Energies for Lithium Transport in Garnet Electrolytes. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Gunnarsdóttir AB, Vema S, Menkin S, et al. (2020) Investigating the effect of a fluoroethylene carbonate additive on lithium deposition and the solid electrolyte interphase in lithium metal batteries using in situ NMR spectroscopy Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 8: 14975-14992
Hatzell KB, Chen XC, Cobb CL, et al. (2020) Challenges in Lithium Metal Anodes for Solid-State Batteries Acs Energy Letters. 5: 922-934
Thenuwara AC, Shetty PP, Kondekar N, et al. (2020) Efficient Low-Temperature Cycling of Lithium Metal Anodes by Tailoring the Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Acs Energy Letters. 5: 2411-2420
Marbella LE, Zekoll S, Kasemchainan J, et al. (2019) Li NMR Chemical Shift Imaging To Detect Microstructural Growth of Lithium in All-Solid-State Batteries. Chemistry of Materials : a Publication of the American Chemical Society. 31: 2762-2769
Engelke S, Marbella LE, Trease NM, et al. (2019) Three-dimensional pulsed field gradient NMR measurements of self-diffusion in anisotropic materials for energy storage applications. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 21: 4538-4546
Marbella LE. (2019) A salty solution for storage Nature Energy. 4: 438-439
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