Daniela Rodrigues Silva
Affiliations: | Theoretical Chemistry | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
"Daniela Silva"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorTrevor A. Hamlin | grad student | VU Amsterdam | ||
F. Matthias Bickelhaupt | grad student | 2018- | VU Amsterdam | |
(Double Degree; Supervisors: C. Fonseca Guerra, M. Puggina de Freitas, T. A. Hamlin, F. M. Bickelhaupt) |
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Vermeeren P, Hansen T, Grasser M, et al. (2020) S2 versus E2 Competition of F and PH Revisited. The Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Silva DR, Zeoly LA, Cormanich RA, et al. (2020) Evaluation of the Alicyclic Gauche Effect in 2-Fluorocyclohexanone Analogs: a Combined NMR and DFT Study European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2020: 884-890 |
Silva DR, Silla JM, Santos LA, et al. (2019) The Role of Intramolecular Interactions on the Bioactive Conformation of Epinephrine. Molecular Informatics |
de Castro AA, Soares FV, Pereira AF, et al. (2018) Asymmetric biodegradation of the nerve agents Sarin and VX by human dUTPase: Chemometrics, Molecular Docking and Hybrid QM/MM calculations. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. 1-35 |
Gajo GC, Silva DR, Barigye SJ, et al. (2018) Multi-objective Optimization of Benzamide Derivatives as Rho Kinase Inhibitors. Molecular Informatics. 37: 1700080 |
Silla JM, Silva DR, Freitas MP. (2017) Theoretical Study on the Conformational Bioeffect of the Fluorination of Acetylcholine. Molecular Informatics |
Garcia LS, Silva DR, Assis LC, et al. (2013) Modelo De Qsar-4D De Inibidores Da Tirosina Quinase De Bruton Bbr - Biochemistry and Biotechnology Reports. 2: 102-104 |