Jae-Seong Rhee

1981-1986 Chemistry and Biochemistry Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 
"Jae-Seong Rhee"
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Purnendu K. Dasgupta grad student 1981-1986 Texas Tech
 (Continued briefly as postdoctoral fellow 1986-1987 then joined KIST in Korea)
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Dasgupta PK, Rhee JS. (1987) Optical cells with partially reflecting windows as nonlinear absorbance amplifiers Analytical Chemistry. 59: 783-786
Dasgupta PK, McDowell WL, Rhee JS. (1986) Porous membrane-based diffusion scrubber for the sampling of atmospheric gases The Analyst. 111: 87-90
Rhee JS, Dasgupta PK. (1985) The second dissociation constant of SO2·H2O Journal of Physical Chemistry. 89: 1799-1804
Rhee JS, Dasgupta PK. (1985) The second dissociation constant of sulfur dioxide.water The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 89: 1799-1804
Rhee JS, Dasgupta PK. (1985) Determination of acids, bases, metal ions and redox species by peak width measurement flow injection analysis with potentiometric, conductometric, fluorometric and spectrophotometric detection Mikrochimica Acta. 87: 107-122
Rhee JS, Dasgupta PK. (1985) Studies on peak width measurement-based FIA acid-base determinations Mikrochimica Acta. 87: 49-64
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