Shen Dong
Affiliations: | 1985-1991 | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX |
"Shen Dong"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorPurnendu K. Dasgupta | research scientist | 1985-1991 | Texas Tech | |
(Went to oil company in NJ) |
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Dasgupta PK, Genfa Z, Poruthoor SK, et al. (1998) High-Sensitivity Gas Sensors Based on Gas-Permeable Liquid Core Waveguides and Long-Path Absorbance Detection Analytical Chemistry. 70: 4661-4669 |
Dong S, Dasgupta PK. (1991) Automated determination of total phosphorus in aqueous samples Talanta. 38: 133-137 |
Dasgupta PK, Dong S, Hwang H. (1990) Diffusion scrubber-based field measurements of atmospheric formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide Aerosol Science and Technology. 12: 12-98 |
Genfa Z, Dasgupta PK, Dong S. (1989) Measurement of atmospheric ammonia Environmental Science & Technology. 23: 1467-1474 |
Dasgupta PK, Dong S, Hwang H, et al. (1988) Continuous liquid-phase fluorometry coupled to a diffusion scrubber for the real-time determination of atmospheric formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide and sulfur dioxide Atmospheric Environment (1967). 22: 949-963 |
Kleindienst TE, Shepson PB, Nero CM, et al. (1988) An intercomparison of formaldehyde measurement techniques at ambient concentration Atmospheric Environment (1967). 22: 1931-1939 |
Dong S, Dasgupta PK. (1987) Fast fluorometric flow injection analysis of formaldehyde in atmospheric water Environmental Science and Technology. 21: 581-588 |
Dong S, Dasgupta PK. (1986) Solubility of gaseous formaldehyde in liquid water and generation of trace standard gaseous formaldehyde Environmental Science and Technology. 20: 637-640 |
Dong S, Dasgupta PK. (1986) On the formaldehyde-bisulfite-hydroxymethanesulfonate equilibrium Atmospheric Environment (1967). 20: 1635-1637 |
Dasgupta PK, Dong S. (1986) Solubility of ammonia in liquid water and generation of trace levels of standard gaseous ammonia Atmospheric Environment (1967). 20: 565-570 |