Poruthoor K Simon
Affiliations: | 1989-1993 | Chemistry | Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX |
"Poruthoor Simon"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorPurnendu K. Dasgupta | grad student | 1989-1993 | Texas Tech | |
(Now at Kimberly Clarke at Atlanta) |
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Simon PK, Dasgupta PK. (1995) Continuous automated measurement of gaseous nitrous and nitric acids and particulate nitrite and nitrate. Environmental Science & Technology. 29: 1534-41 |
Simon PK, Dasgupta PK. (1995) Continuous automated measurement of the soluble fraction of atmospheric particulate matter Analytical Chemistry. 67: 71-78 |
Simon PK, Dasgupta PK. (1993) Wet effluent denuder coupled liquid/ion chromatography systems: Annular and parallel plate denuders Analytical Chemistry. 65: 1134-1139 |
Simon PK, Dasgupta PK, Vecera Z. (1991) Wet effluent denuder coupled liquid/ion chromatography systems Analytical Chemistry. 63: 1237-1242 |